Sunday, October 14, 2012


Multilingual App in iPhone Without effecting on ios Device language

//=========================.h file =====================================
//  LocalizationSystem.h
//  NYF
//  Created by Nasrullah Mahar on 10/15/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012 Techliance. All rights reserved.



#define AMLocalizedString(key, comment) \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] localizedStringForKey:(key) value:(comment)]

#define LocalizationSetLanguage(language) \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] setLanguage:(language)]

#define LocalizationGetLanguage \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] getLanguage]

#define LocalizationReset \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] resetLocalization]

@interface LocalizationSystem : NSObject {
NSString *language;

// you really shouldn't care about this functions and use the MACROS
+ (LocalizationSystem *)sharedLocalSystem;

//gets the string localized
- (NSString *)localizedStringForKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)comment;

//sets the language
- (void) setLanguage:(NSString*) language;

//gets the current language
- (NSString*) getLanguage;

//resets this system.
- (void) resetLocalization;

============================ .m File =============================
//  LocalizationSystem.m
//  NYF
//  Created by Nasrullah Mahar on 10/15/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012 Techliance. All rights reserved.

#import "LocalizationSystem.h"

@implementation LocalizationSystem

//Singleton instance
static LocalizationSystem *_sharedLocalSystem = nil;

//Current application bungle to get the languages.
static NSBundle *bundle = nil;

+ (LocalizationSystem *)sharedLocalSystem
@synchronized([LocalizationSystem class])
if (!_sharedLocalSystem){
[[self alloc] init];
return _sharedLocalSystem;
// to avoid compiler warning
return nil;

@synchronized([LocalizationSystem class])
NSAssert(_sharedLocalSystem == nil, @"Attempted to allocate a second instance of a singleton.");
_sharedLocalSystem = [super alloc];
return _sharedLocalSystem;
// to avoid compiler warning
return nil;

- (id)init
    if ((self = [super init])) 
bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    return self;

// Gets the current localized string as in NSLocalizedString.
// example calls:
// AMLocalizedString(@"Text to localize",@"Alternative text, in case hte other is not find");
- (NSString *)localizedStringForKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)comment
return [bundle localizedStringForKey:key value:comment table:nil];

// Sets the desired language of the ones you have.
// example calls:
// LocalizationSetLanguage(@"Italian");
// LocalizationSetLanguage(@"German");
// LocalizationSetLanguage(@"Spanish");
// If this function is not called it will use the default OS language.
// If the language does not exists y returns the default OS language.
- (void) setLanguage:(NSString*) l{
NSLog(@"preferredLang: %@", l);
NSString *path = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource:l ofType:@"lproj" ];
if (path == nil)
//in case the language does not exists
[self resetLocalization];
bundle = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:path] retain];

// Just gets the current setted up language.
// returns "es","fr",...
// example call:
// NSString * currentL = LocalizationGetLanguage;
- (NSString*) getLanguage{
NSArray* languages = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
NSString *preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
return preferredLang;

// Resets the localization system, so it uses the OS default language.
// example call:
// LocalizationReset;
- (void) resetLocalization
bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];



    lblMultilingualtext.text = AMLocalizedString(@"WelcomeKey", @"");


    lblMultilingualtext.text = AMLocalizedString(@"WelcomeKey", @"");

==========================Localizable String Files=====================

======================en file=======

  Created by Nasrullah Mahar on 10/15/12.
  Copyright (c) 2012 Techliance. All rights reserved.

"WelcomeKey" = "Welcome!!!!";

======================ar file=========


  Created by Nasrullah Mahar on 10/15/12.
  Copyright (c) 2012 Techliance. All rights reserved.

"WelcomeKey" = "مرحبا!!";

About me

simple one.